Live streaming

Up to eight speakers and three thousand listeners can be set

After logging in, click "Manage webinars" on the left control panel,

  1. Click the orange button on the right "Add new".

  2. Fill in the basic information of the live streaming (include title, date, time, and default language).

  3. Return to the top right corner of the interface, click the orange button "Open Waiting Room" to access the live streaming

Assign speakers: On the right side is the "Live Audience" list, click "Make Speaker" or "Make Viewer" to invite up to seven speakers.

here are setting tools under the bottom of the live interface screen.

  • Click "Audio" to choose your microphone.

  • Click "Video" to choose your camera. Mirror the screen by clicking the selected video source.

  • Click "Share Screen" to choose the sharing screen of either "Entire screen", "Window" or "Browser tab".

In live streaming, you will be able to see the number of viewers in real-time and interact with them in the chatroom on the right side.

Your live video is recorded and automatically saved and analyzed by /, the video can be reviewed and edited in "Manage webinars", after completion, click "submit chunking", the artificial intelligence will automatically add subtitles and publish it.

Last updated